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Magnetic Particle Testing MPI training
Pipeline integrity technicans training

Our People Are The
Heart of Tilt Inspection

Their knowledge, experience, and dedication (combined with shared values and goals of continuous improvement) fuels Tilt’s success and the confidence of our customers.

Pipeline Integrity Technicians Phased Array Testing PAUT

Trained, Certified & Mentored

For Tilt, it’s not enough to have multi-disciplined technicians certified through CGSB and BiNDT / PCN only. Instead, our technicians are trained and mentored to consistently deliver services that meet or exceed the exacting needs of our customers — regardless of the complexity of external factors impacting the project.

We Invest in Our People

At Tilt, having NDT certifications is only one part of pipeline integrity. We ensure technicians that are new to the pipeline integrity industry are trained in pipeline integrity. From how to draw ILIs, to SCC crack sizing. By utilizing the knowledge of our senior technicians, we can pass along knowledge to our technicians and clients. 

Pipeline integrity, NDT technicians training

Tilt Inspection Learning Shop

Tilt regularly provides technicians with opportunities to learn and grow. We offer comprehensive in-house Pipeline Integrity NDE training, workshops, hands-on training with experts from our technology suppliers, and regular in-house lab sessions where techniques and procedures are reviewed and improved where possible.

non destructive testing NDT training on grinding
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