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Pipeline Integrity 
What is Pipeline Integrity?

We aim to provide pipeline operators with the most accurate and comprehensive data possible using advanced tools and integrity procedures combined with ongoing training and certification for our technicians.

How can Pipeline Integrity help you?

Pipeline integrity can help clients by gathering accurate data that can then be used to make repair decisions on their pipelines. This could range from recoating the line to a line cut out.

How can Tilt Inspection help you?

Tilt offers a one-stop shop for integrity services. From coating documentation to PAUT weld scanning, we can provide clients with all services that they would need for any integrity dig. In addition, Tilt prides itself on having PAUT-trained technicians that can provide PAUT inspection whenever required. We also pride ourselves on being qualified in Creaform’s Pipechek analysis software for external corrosion or geometric features.

Corrosion overview
Lack of Fusion in Corrosion
Defect on a pipeline showing a dent
Pipeline Integrity Inspections

Every member of Tilt’s field staff are highly experienced in performing pipeline integrity inspections including:

1. Corrosion Assessments

2. SCC / CSCC Evaluations

3. Dent / Geometry Assessments

4. Long Seam / Girth Weld Assessments

5. Defect Mitigation & Hardness Testing

6. Performing Integrity Calculations

7. In-line Inspection (ILI) Data Correlation

8. 3D Laser Mapping & Phased Array / TOFD

9. OES Spark Testing & Soil & Coating Assessments

Tilt Inspection Technician doing a coating assessment on pipeline in a ditch
Engineering Support
Engineering Support

As standards and responsibilities continue to grow for pipeline integrity services, having a supporting team of Engineers is a valuable asset that Tilt brings to each project. Support from Pinnacle Integrity Engineering allows Tilt's teams to concentrate exclusively on inspection, data collection, and reporting by providing expert advice in the field and reducing queries made to the client.

Pinnacle Integrity Engineering specializes in pipeline and facilities management and engineering. Pinnacle is an APEGA registered Permit to Practice Engineering consulting firm that is actively involved in all Integrity stages. To learn more about their company and services, visit

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