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Advanced Ultrasonics Solutions


The Purpose of Phased Array?

Phased array tools allow us to perform inspections using ultrasonic beams of various angles and focal lengths using a single array of transducers.

Advantages of Phased Array
  1. The ability to sweep a range of angles from 40 - 70 degrees and display the image for the swept angles in real time.

  2. Steer-focus and scan beams with a single transducer assembly.

  3. Detection of manufacturing flaws (lack of fusion, incomplete root penetration, porosity, toe, and root cracks).

  4. Detection of in-service flaws (fatigue cracking, stress corrosion cracking, corrosion, erosion, etc.) and parent material flaws (inclusions and laminations).

  5. Efficient corrosion mapping using a more significant footprint of array probes increases scanning areas.

  6. Repeatability of inspections and reduced time required to perform inspections.

  7. Creation of scan plans to visualize the effectiveness of phased array setup.

PAUT indication on encoded scan
PAUT vs Zero-degree vs Sherwave
Phased Array Testing
What is Phased Array?

Phased array tools allow us to perform inspections using ultrasonic beams of various angles and focal lengths using a single array of transducers.

Software control over beam angle and focusing is achieved by the application of precisely controlled delays to both the emission pulse and received signal for each element in an array of transducers. Phased array improves on conventional UT by using a wide range of angles in a single scan.

Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing PAUT is being done on a pipeline
Phased Array Testing
What is Phased Array?

Phased array tools allow us to perform inspections using ultrasonic beams of various angles and focal lengths using a single array of transducers.

Software control over beam angle and focusing is achieved by the application of precisely controlled delays to both the emission pulse and received signal for each element in an array of transducers. Phased array improves on conventional UT by using a wide range of angles in a single scan.

Phased Array Ultrasonics Testing PAUT pipeline inspection


Encoded TOFD Scanner
External Lack of Fusion
What is TOFD?

Time of flight diffraction (TOFD) is a pitch-catch method of advanced ultrasonics where one probe sends a signal out, and the other probe receives it. When the sound wave strikes the tip of a flaw, it acts as a secondary emitter which scatters sound out in all directions, some in the direction of the receiving probe. The time difference between the lateral wave and the diffracted signal from the flaw provides a measure of its distance from the scanned surface. This makes TOFD excellent at getting accurate measurements for flaws.

What is the Purpose of TOFD?

TOFD is used in tandem with PAUT to increase detection and allow for more accurate sizing of defects. TOFD excels at height sizing, which PAUT tends to oversize.

Advantages of TOFD

1. Detection and sizing of all types of embedded flaws, especially those planar in nature.

2. Critical flaw sizing data for input to Engineering Critical Assessments.

3. Excellent at detecting and sizing volumetric type indications (i.e. slag, porosity, etc).

4. Ease of operation.

TOFD Data with indications


HydroFORM Scanner
What is HydroFORM?

Software control over beam angle and focusing is achieved by the application of precisely controlled delays to both the emission pulse and received signal for each element in an array of transducers. Phased array improves on conventional UT by using a wide range of angles in a single scan.

What is the purpose of HydroFORM?

HydroFORM is a zero-degree PAUT scanner produced by Evident Scientific. It is predominantly used for scanning vessels and straight pipe sections for internal corrosion. Utilizing a water column allows for better near surface resolution, allowing detection of defects near the surface.

Advantages of HydroFORM

HydroFORM allows for rapid and repeatable data collection on various assets. This allows for more accurate monitoring of corrosion growth in any assets being monitored. It can be used with an automated scanning system like the Jireh NAVIC to automate and speed up scanning.

HydroFORM Scanner
Zero Degree PAUT data from using HydroFORM


FlexoFORM Scanner
FlexoFORM Scanner
What is FlexoFORM?

FlexoFORM is a PAUT zero-degree scanner produced by Evident Scientific. It is similar to the HydroFORM scanner, but it is designed to scan elbows as small as 4.5 inches for internal corrosion. It utilizes the same technology as the HydroFORM scanner. 

What is The Purpose of FlexoFORM?

FlexoFORM allows for the PAUT corrosion scanning of elbows that would of traditionally not of been able to be scanned with regular PAUT scanning methods

Advantages of FlexoFORM

FlexoFORM allows for a more complete and accurate encapsulation of any corrosion inside the elbow. Manually scanning the extrados on an elbow can be time-consuming and may not find smaller pitting. The FlexoFORM scanner allows for scans to be encoded and reviewed off site.

Data from FlexoFORM
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